
Welcome to Crunchy Travel!

I love my CRUNCHY life! Growing food, making things from scratch, using alternative treatments, homesteading, and of course, anything made of linen!

I also LOVE to travel, try new things, and explore the world.

Is it possible for these to co-exist?


Being crunchy while traveling shouldn’t be an oxymoron.

I believe you can cherish the healthy and natural home life you’ve worked hard to create…

While also enjoying all of the wonders, challenges, and fulfillment of travel.

But sometimes our crunchy ways make us think that we can’t ever leave home.

“How could I possibly travel when I need to have my: air purifier / water filter / homeopathy remedy collection / raw milk / sauna / daily forest walk?”

“How do I restore my health after a long trip?”

“Why would I choose to be away from homegrown organic vegetables and my vintage quilt collection?”

Learning how to accommodate both practices into your life will make you a happier and more resilient human!

(Probably NOT gonna pack these homemade vinegars for my next flight: blackberry-sage, melon-mint, and apple cider)

Together we will learn:

How to optimize your health before, during, and after travel.

How to edit and pack your crunchy essentials for trips.

How to balance health and fun while traveling.

Tips and tricks for traveling the crunchy way.

Let’s go on this journey together!